Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Benefits of Daily Energy Work

Jumper cabling is gently cupping each thumb and finger and holding each for at least several good breaths. Jumper cabling is all about balancing the energy that is entering and exiting your body. When you jumper cable, it helps you to relax. It helps to open the breath. It helps to put emotion into perspective. Thus, it will balance how you feel in your world.

To "super charge" the jumper cabling, create affirmations for each finger and thumb. You will find some great ideas on my website. Go to the Services page...then click on Super Charge.

And....there's no such thing as too much self-help! So, do it as often as you want to throughout the day!

Doing "The Daily Clean Your House Flow" and "Jumper Cabling" is just a tip of the iceberg! Our bodies are made up of energy balance areas that can be easily accessed by simply placing your fingertips on the designated "points" to release the accumulated blocked energy, thus harmonizing and restoring the energy flow. Your body can literally let go of "physical projects", stuck emotions or old patterns that have a tendency to take you out of motion.
You can learn personalized wellness care and easy-to-do acupressure and Jin Shin Jyutsu techniques that will increase your vitality and productivity, strengthen your immune system, compliment your exercise program, and relieve symptoms of trauma or chronic conditions.

Join me for a workshop and discover that Health is at Your Fingertips!!!

Those who "work" on themselves by moving blocked energy, maintaining harmony, and preventing "projects" gain a "true knowing" of integrating the body on all levels -- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

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